She wanted to show me something and she was on tumblr so I thought "she's gonna show me something funny"
My guess was wrong..
Here's what she showed me:
"A wedding photographer took this picture from a rooftop to get a bird's eye view of the wedding in progress. Something seemed odd about the balcony in the top right portion of the photograph"
"Here's what the photographer found when they zoomed in the picture:"
Heck I don't know about you but this gave me the creeps.
It's spooky yet interesting at the same time.
So what are those? Are they like members of a secret society? Satan worshipers? Witches? or.. ghosts?
Some people say it may be an art gallery and those are manikins but I personally think it's human in (super scary) costumes. I mean, they're in different shapes and aren't stiff enough to be manikins right?
Whatever it is, it scares me but it triggers my curiosity.
By the way, want extra creeps? Zoom in on the faces/masks or whatever those are. I did.
So that's it. Bye!