Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Key Habit

The Power of Habit

Sejak 2017 gua super tertarik tentang habit and I've had my ups and downs on venturing the world of creating good habits (mostly downs, tbh)

Terima kasih kepada temen seangkatan yang ngasih pinjem buku ini dan in a span of 2 months (lama banget, i know) akhirnya beres baca. Now I'm not gonna review this book cause I had already done that here, tapi gua mau pitch in satu point penting yang gua pelajari dari buku ini yaitu key habit atau kebiasaan kunci. The key habit adalah the habit that has such an impact that everything else starts falling into the right order after you get a hand of this key habit. The key habit is how a lot of people who for years couldn't lose any weight, all of a sudden, found a way to get on their feet and work out daily aside from changing their diet for the better.

You know the interesting thing is? Setelah mencoba mencari key habit untuk diri gua pribadi, I find that shalat 5 waktu works its wonders. Think about it, ada suatu obligasi yang sedemikian rupa waktu nya udah diatur, caranya juga, tujuannya udah jelas, and you just have to do it daily. If you stick to it, and really do it properly (tepat waktu, berusaha khusyuk), everything falls into place. I tried to make drinking lots of water a habit through so many ways dan belum ada yang berhasil, but I've found that kalau nyoba minum setiap selesai solat 5 waktu, more often than not I would follow through.

Tbh ini masih kurang hari untuk bisa bener-bener bilang bahwa everything is working out well, but I'm optimistic and thought this was worth the share. I'll update soon.