Monday, November 28, 2011

Nguping Jakarta

Jangan lempar bola dulu, proyektor belum siap!

Di pertandingan kasti,
Murid #1: "Ayo! Ayo! Bikin Powerpoint!"
Murid #2: "Hah? Powerpoint? Homerun kali!"

SMA di Jakarta Pusat, didengar oleh para murid yang yakin murid #1 terlalu memikirkan tugas presentasi.

C:0, M:0, Y:0, K:45

Mahasiswi: "Eh, eh, menurut kamu aku item yah?"
Mahasiswa: "Enggak kok..."
Mahasiswi: "Tapi kok kata X aku item ya?"
Mahasiswa: "Oh, kamu itu putih, tapi putih tua..."

Didengar oleh satu kelompok belajar yang ingin mewarnai si mahasiswi.

Dan tidak menggigit kita semua...

Guru: (selesai tadarus harian) "... semoga yang mendapat musibah diberi kemudahan dalam menghadapi, semoga yang sedang sakit diberikan kesembuhan yg tidak mendatangkan bahaya, dan semoga yang pernah meninggal dunia diterima amalan amalan baiknya di sisi Allah SWT..."

SMA di Jakarta, didengar oleh seluruh siswa yang bersiap-siap melawan zombi. 

Dia suka gitu kalo lagi bosen...

Cewek: "TV gua tengah malem lagi nonton TV meleduk!"
Cowok: "TV loe nonton TV?"

Didengar oleh si cowok yang merasa TV itu adalah Transformer.

Mungkin karena gua manis.

Pembeli: "Bang, beli nasi goreng pedes satu porsi. Sambalnya jangan banyak-banyak ya, gua gak tahan asin soalnya."

Jakarta Timur, didengar pembeli lain yang ingin menaburkan sambal garam rujak ke orang itu.

Maksudnya apa, saya kurang berlekuk?

Cowok Sok Kenal: "Selamat ya, mbak! Semoga seksi! (hening) Eh, maksudnya semoga sukses."

Peluncuran buku di Jakarta, didengar oleh penulis yang langsung mencari cermin.

Dengan kekuatan bayam, aku akan melayanimu!

Remaja #1: "Kita makan di Popeye's aja yuk."
Remaja #2: "Emang enak apa?"
Remaja #1: "Gak tau, tapi gua suka aja sama karakter Popeye."
Remaja #2: "Emang Popeye siapa ya?"
Remaja #1: "Oh my God! Masak loe gak tau Popeye The Sailormoon sih? Kemana aja loe waktu kecil?"

Didengar oleh pengunjung lain yang ingin menjejalkan bayam ke mereka berdua.

Belum saya habisin soalnya...

Tukang sampah: (teriak) "Sampaaah, sampaaaah, Bu, sampaaaahnya, Buuu!"
Ibu-ibu: (teriak juga) "Enggaaak, baaaang, masiiiih banyaaaaak!"

Kota Bambu, didengar oleh tetangga yang mempertanyakan hobi si ibu.

Karena barang-barang lebih penting!

Pertunjukan drama anak-anak,
Kelasi: "Kapten! Badai nih!
Kapten: "Iya tau!"
Kelasi: "Sebagian muatan harus dibuang ke laut!"
Kapten: "Hmmmm..."
Kelasi: "Kapten! Sebagian muatan harus dibuang ke laut!"
Kapten: "Oke! Dahulukan wanita dan anak-anak!"
Kelasi: "..."

Didengar oleh penonton yang bersyukur tidak ada di kapal itu. 

Kota emang suka bikin panas...

Orang 1: "Jaman gini uda canggih yak? mau apa-apa serba gampang, mau keluar ada motor, mau belanja ada supermarket..."
Orang 2: "Itu artinya kite udah sejahtera."
Orang 1: "Berarti kota lebih sejahtera kan? Tapi kok masih banyak aje yang demo?"
Orang 2: "Yah, kali aja emang hobinya orang kota, yang namanya orang kan hobinya macem-macem,  sama kayak elu nyang hobi mancing." (dengan wajah polos)

KRL Ekonomi, didengar oleh seseorang yang ingin mengubah persepsi kebanyakan tentang orang kota. 

Semua nya ini dari dulu gua suka bgt buka website itu, terus sempet garing, eh lucu lagi hehe


Sunday, November 27, 2011

New Header

Another normal Sunday went okay and......... normal
I decided to make a new header, unlike other people who does things seriously and despite the satisfaction of trying and fighting also, they also get great results (just check out other blogs, they're all so awesome-_-) i made it half my heart and the header? it's okay cause after living in this body with this soul and this heart plus this brain for 13 years, one of the things i hate most about myself is this indescribable laziness, but who cares? this isn't a big deal it's just about a header :/

this was my header:


it wasn't that bad wasn't it?
so the header i'm using right now is the one i created and it's not ugly but it's not good either.(faaaaaaaar from good)

The result depends on the effort;) This is just a work of an amateur

Who cares about the stupid header? care about the posts (omg as if my posts are good -_-)
Enjoy my blog :);)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Oh God.

Here are some pictures to explain everything:

Pemikiran Abstrak, i'm trying to take it as a compliment but who am i kidding? This is obviously an insult
Cause to be honest, a part of me do believe it's true

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

October, 07-10-11

Selesai uts (udah lewat lumayan lama) sari, ahdi, mute, nanim empatan ke rumah gua, sekedar main doang. Ini photo-photo nyaaaa

muthia ahdiani nanim._.

Muthia :D
doi lagi ngiket sepatu gek minta di photo -_-
taman di komplek

ahdiani looking like the third wheel 

udah malem


Thursday, October 27, 2011


Menerawang jauh ke dunia yang kukarang
Di mana kau dan aku bersama
Kadang ku merasa terlalu kesepian
Dan ku ciptakan sahabat baru di angan

Karena kisah kau dan aku terlalu ku damba
Dan sulit untuk menerima kenyataan, kau jauh dari gapaian
Melupakan mu, menghapus sebagian dariku
Yang terlanjur percaya kau dan aku adalah satu

Kau biarkan aku percaya semua akan terjadi
Kau biarkan aku terus berharap pada yang tak pernah pasti
Apadaya aku terlanjur jatuh cinta?
Pada ide yang ku rencanakan telah lama

Kau tatap aku seakan semua tak pernah terjadi
Tapi kutetap dambakan tatapan mu itu
Sulit bagiku membenci apa yang aku inginkan
Apa yang sudah terlalu lama kudambakan

Semakin kau menjauh semakin kencang teriakanku
Terlalu sulit untukku melepas mu
Yang tak pernah benar-benar di genggaman ku
Tapi semua terasa begitu nyata

Namun sekarang melihat kau dan dia
Aku hanya bayangan pudar di antara berjuta
Di mata mu hanya ada bayangan dia
Padahal dahulu ku kira hanya ada pantulanku di situ
Aku yakini kamu, di mataku tetap hanya ada sosok mu

Baru kusadari semua takan terjadi
Untuk kisah cinta yang indah harus ada yang mengalah
Kali ini, bukanlah aku tokoh utamanya
Kali ini adalah kau dan dia
Dan aku yang melangkah pergi, yang tersakiti

Mencoba membuat puisi cinta hahahaha gak banget asaan jarang sih gua bikin puisi kayak gini -__- udah yaaa sorry gaje


Thursday, October 20, 2011


i over think things and hesitate too much, yes i know that
but don't you think i have my reasons?
it's something outta my control and it's killing me just like it's killing you
let's just see how it's going to be.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

8A do'a iboe

waktu itu fihan bilang dia pengen photo-photo
besok paginya gua bangun terus tiba-tiba keinget kata-kata si fihan
awalnya males bawa camera, tapi ending nya bawa aja deh
Ini beberapa photo nya, gak semua anak 8A di photo, ada beberapa yang anti camera banget -_-

Tata, ruang sb. Bonus, belakangnya ada hazi
latihan recorder mau tes soalnya

Fihan, ruang ptd. kelas sepi karena lagi pada jajan, ini pas
istirahat ._.

habis dari selot, lagi makan katsu hahaha

refo main kursi

Randy dan Dzaki. hahahahaha

Farhan, itu lagi ngerjain tamiya buat kelompok gua hahaha

latihan menggergaji

One sama Manda. One nya gak kobe tapi lucu hahaha
mandanya cantik

dwi atikaaah~

Nidya cantik banget. belakangnya nidi...

ANAZZZ (pacarnya ahdiani asri~)


nidya-sari-adis-dimi. sari sama dimi nya hahaha

Nidyaaa :D

lagi ngegerombol

pada pengen di photo tapi malu

keadaan kelas tanpa guru (pelajaran IPS)

gatau ceritanya, pas ini gua lagi away


Ya, sekian aja post nya photo-photo anak 8A doa iboe (doa iboe nama kelasnya, terinspirasi dari tulisan di truk-truk kebanyakan) makasih:)

Monday, June 27, 2011

27th Club

To begin this post i would like to say few words. I am full of curiosity, as far as i know, it's good for me! Cause when I really wanna know something i'll search and learn about it. Then, it'll be one of my interests. Okay so that's all the crap and here's the point:
Kemaren gua baca-baca di website find a death, kalo kalian penakut nya akut mending jangan di buka, gak serem sih menurut gua mah, cuman kalo dicerna emang lumayan. Di website itu gua baca tentang Kurt Cobain dan ada yang serem. He was a part of the 27th Club or we might as well call it "FOREVER 27". Club ini berisi orang-orang yang biasanya musician dari genre influential rock dan blues yang meninggal pada usia 27 tahun. Banyak yang percaya mereka emang sengaja bunuh diri di usia 27 tahun.

Tabel lengkapnya dari Wikipedia:

PictureNameDate of deathOfficial cause of deathFameAge
Brian Jones 1965.jpgBrian JonesJuly 3, 1969Drowned in a swimming pool. The coroner's report stated "death by misadventure."Rolling Stones founder and guitarist/multi-instrumentalist.27 years and 125 days
Jimi Hendrix thumbnail.jpgJimi HendrixSeptember 18, 1970Autopsy showed he asphyxiated on vomit after combining sleeping pills with wine.Pioneering electric guitarist, singer and songwriter for The Jimi Hendrix Experience andBand of Gypsys.27 years and 295 days
Janisjoplin.pngJanis JoplinOctober 4, 1970Probable heroin overdose.Lead vocalist and songwriter for Big Brother and the Holding Company, The Kozmic Blues Band and Full Tilt Boogie Band.27 years and 258 days
Jim Morrison 1970.jpgJim MorrisonJuly 3, 1971Cause of death listed as "heart failure"; however, no autopsy was performed.Lead singer, songwriter and video director for The Doors.27 years and 207 days
Nirvana around 1992.jpgKurt CobainApril 5, 1994Ruled as suicide by shotgun.Founding member, lead singer, guitarist and songwriter for Nirvana.27 years and 44 days

Name↓Date of death↓Cause of death↓Claim to notability↓
Alexandre LevyJanuary 17, 1892Unknown.Composer.
Louis ChauvinMarch 26, 1908Neurosyphilitic sclerosis.Ragtime musician.
Robert JohnsonAugust 16, 1938Unknown, but typically credited to strychnine poisoning.Bluesman. Recorded very famous and influential set of 29 songs that influenced many famous musicians after him, considered the first of the 27 club.
Nat JaffeAugust 5, 1945Result of complications from high blood pressure.Blues musician.
Jesse BelvinFebruary 6, 1960Car crash.R&B singer and songwriter.
Rudy LewisMay 20, 1964Drug overdose.Vocalist of The Drifters.
Malcolm HaleOctober 31, 1968Carbon monoxide poisoning from a faulty space heater.Original member of Spanky and Our Gang.
Dickie PrideMarch 26, 1969Overdose of sleeping pills.British rock and roll singer.
Alan "Blind Owl" WilsonSeptember 3, 1970Barbiturate overdose, possible suicide.Leader, singer and primary composer of Canned Heat.
Arlester "Dyke" ChristianMarch 13, 1971Shot.Frontman and vocalist of Dyke & the Blazers.
Linda JonesMarch 14, 1972Diabetic coma.R&B singer.
Les HarveyMay 3, 1972Electrocution by live microphone after touching it with his wet hands.Guitarist for Stone the Crows.
Ron "Pigpen" McKernanMarch 8, 1973Gastrointestinal hemorrhage associated with alcoholism.Founding member, keyboardist and singer of the Grateful Dead.
Roger Lee DurhamJuly 27, 1973Fell off a horse and died from the injuries.Singer and percussionist of Bloodstone.
Wallace YohnAugust 12, 1974Died in a plane crash along with three other band members.Organ player of Chase.
Dave AlexanderFebruary 10, 1975Pulmonary edema.Bassist for the Stooges.
Pete HamApril 24, 1975Suicide by hanging.Keyboardist and guitarist, leader of Badfinger.
Gary ThainDecember 8, 1975Drug overdose.Former bassist of Uriah Heep and The Keef Hartley Band.
CeciliaAugust 2, 1976Car crashSpanish singer
Helmut KöllenMay 3, 1977Carbon monoxide poisoning.Bassist with 1970s German prog rock band Triumvirat.
Chris BellDecember 27, 1978Car crash: ran into a telephone pole.Singer-songwriter and guitarist of power pop band Big Star and solo.
Jacob MillerMarch 23, 1980Car crash.Jamaican reggae artist and lead singer for Inner Circle.
D. BoonDecember 22, 1985Lying down in the back of a van when it veered off road, he was ejected from the vehicle and broke his neck.Guitarist, lead singer of punk band the Minutemen.
Alexander BashlachevFebruary 17, 1988Suicide by jumping.Russian poet, rock musician and songwriter.
Jean-Michel BasquiatAugust 12, 1988Speedball overdose.Painter and graffiti artist; formed the band Gray.
Pete de FreitasJune 14, 1989Motorcycle wreck on his way back from filming a music video.Drummer for Echo & the Bunnymen.
Mia ZapataJuly 7, 1993Murdered.Lead singer of the Gits.
Kristen PfaffJune 16, 1994Officially ruled as an accidental heroin overdose.Bass guitarist for Hole and Janitor Joe.
Richey James Edwardsc. February 1, 1995Disappeared; officially presumed dead November 23, 2008.Lyricist and guitarist for Manic Street Preachers
StretchNovember 30, 1995ShotRapper
Fat PatFebruary 3, 1998Shot.Rapper and member of Screwed Up Click.
Freaky TahMarch 28, 1999Shot.Rapper and member of the hip hop group Lost Boyz.
Sean Patrick McCabeAugust 28, 2000Asphyxiated on vomit after ingesting too much alcohol.Lead singer of Ink & Dagger.
Rodrigo BuenoJune 24, 2000Car accidentArgentinian Cuarteto singer.
Maria Serrano SerranoNovember 24, 2001Plane crash.Background singer for Passion Fruit.
Jeremy Michael WardMay 25, 2003Heroin overdose.The Mars Volta and De Facto sound manipulator.
Bryan OttosonApril 19, 2005Prescription drug overdose.Guitarist for American Head Charge.
Valentín ElizaldeNovember 25, 2006Murdered.Mexican banda singer.
Orish Grinsteadc. April 20, 2008Kidney failure.Founding member of '90s R&B group 702.
Lily TemboSeptember 14, 2009Severe gastritis.Zambian musician.

Ada juga note sebelum Kurt bunuh diri, ini dia: source nya dari find a death

gak kebaca? ini translate nya: 

To Boddah
Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complain-ee. This note should be pretty easy to understand. All the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years, since my first introduction to the, shall we say, the ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community has proven to be very true. I haven't felt the excitement of listening to as well as creating music along with reading and writing for too many years now. I feel guilty beyond words about these things. For example when we're backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowd begins, it doesn't affect me the way in which it did for Freddy Mercury, who seem to love, relish in the love and adoration from the crowd, which is somehting I totally admire and envy. The fact is, I can't fool you, any one of you. It simply isn't fair to you or me. The worst crime I can think of would be to rip people off by faking it and pretending as if I'm having 100% fun. Sometimes I feel as if I should have a punch-in time clock before I walk out on stage. I've
tried everything within my power to appreciate it (and I do, God believe me I do, but it's not enough). I appreciate the fact that I and we have affected and entertained a lot of people. I must be one of those narcissists who only appreciate things when they're gone. I'm too sensitive. I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasm I once had as a child. On our last 3 tours, I've had a much better appreciation for all the people I've known personally and as fans of our music, but I still can't get over the frustration, the guilt and empathy I have for everyone. There's good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me feel too fucking sad. The sad little sensitive, unappreciative, Pisces, Jesus man. Why don't you just enjoy it? I don't know! I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be, full of love and joy, kissing every person she meets because everyone is good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me to the point where I can barely function. I can't stand the thought of Frances becoming the miseraable, self-destructive, death rocker that I've become. I have it good, very good, and I'm grateful, but since the age of seven, I've become hateful towards all humans in general. Only because it seems so easy for people to get along and have empathy. Only because I love and feel sorry for people too much I guess. Thank you all from the pit of my burning, nauseous stomach for your letters and concern during the past years. I'm too much of an erratic, moody, baby! I don't have the passion anymore, and so remember, it's better to burn out then to fade away. Peace, Love, Empathy. Kurt Cobain.
Frances and Courtney, I'll be at your altar
Please keep going Courtney,
for Frances.
for her life will be so much happier
without me. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU

SOURCE: ini dia