Sunday, January 1, 2012

this is what i do when i have nothing to do.

Lots Of Pain, Still No Gain.
This is a nightmare
When you can't wake up and you're stuck 
When you don't even remember going to bed

Cause even when i open my eyes i feel blind
I wanna see what others can see
I wanna know how it feels to be happy

But the pain it doesn't stop

Even if i jump down a cliff and all the way i scream my lungs out
Even if i bleed like a waterfall and i let it flow forming the perfect red river
Even if i cry out loud and drown to die in my sea of tears
Even if i love you as long as i live, will it even matter?
Cause even though you know you mean the world to me, i'm still not part of yours.

Kata-katanya emang lebay banget, tapi ini mah gak based on my feelings, cuma iseng aja hahaha :x