Sunday, October 14, 2012

Things that disturb me

Maaf ya kalo ada pihak yang tersinggung! Maaf juga kalo gua terlihat bawel dan negative, gak maksud hehe

1. "I luvv soccer so u shud luv meh"
Girls who pretend to like soccer/basketball/any sort of sports just to look cool! Keliatan ko yg mana yg beneran suka dan yang engga, no matter how many matches you've watched no matter how many players you know no matter how updated you are about em tetep keliatan mana yang suka cuma buat keren dan mana yang suka beneran. Seriously, ladies stoooop it's pathetic!

2. "Aku bosan hidup"
Shttt omongannya jaga

3. "Guys, girls want you to understand... guys, girls only blabla coz blabla... guys, when a girl blabla"
Terlalu banyak twitter account yang nulis 'about girls' dan itu seringkali sangat menyinggung gua, emang iya cewe lebih sensitive dan touchy but let me tell you something, not all of us are cheesy, maybe you are but I AM NOT. So all you girls (who tweet those kinda stuff) need to stop trying to be the behalf of all the women in the world and making us look like whiny, cheesy, little brats ok? If you wanna be one, be one, but don't bring all of us into your complain or your attention seeking plan.

4. "Experience is the best teacher - ME"
Banyak loh orang yang nulis quotes dan berpura2 menjadi pembuat nya

5. "Papa gue ba** banget, udah janji beliin gua hp baru, mana?? Janji palsu! A***ng!" 
Bahasanya udah kotor, ttg ortu, mengenai hal yang kaya gitu lagi. I'm no saint but seriously? Shame on you.

Udah deh ini terlalu negative posting nya jadi bakal gue tutup, though this list is quite brilliant and I think lots of people will relate. goooooooodbye love<3 

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