Saturday, February 11, 2017

A Piece of Advice from Buffett, and from a senior

When I was much younger, I found a book about Warren Buffett's life in my father's library (mostly filled with books about economy such as the freakonomics and stress test, books I thought I'd stick with and not Sherwood nor Guyton). Biografi Warren Buffett yang gua baca itu dibuatnya dalam bentuk komik, karena ketika itu masih kecil pasti dong pilih yang bergambar-gambar? I don't remember finishing the book but I remember thinking "wow this man is one of a kind". 

I don't think the book I read is any of these books shown above

Lalu tadi pagi pas ngecek hp ada LINE dari official account TIME. "Warren Buffetts 10 Pieces of Advice". Then I came across a piece of advice that hit home. 

"Most behavior is habitual, and they say that the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken"

Kenapa sangat menyentil? Karena for the past few weeks I've noticed how my life consists of laziness and ambition-less no vision path. I realize I have horrible habits such as lack of discipline, low achieving tendencies, prejudice toward others, and other negatives. I really want to change myself. That is why prior to finding this piece of advice I had made a list of small baby steps yang ingin gua implementasikan sehari-hari, hopefully until they are too heavy to be broken. 

Sekarang lagi mencoba menemukan "visi" dan stop menjalani hidup dengan terlalu "liat entar aja". I want to set a goal. I need to set a goal. Kemarin di BEM Meeting, Kak Fadhli Waznan nyebutin suatu quote yang sebenernya bukan pertama kali gua denger;

"Gagal merencanakan = merencanakan untuk gagal" 

Sebelumnya gua mendengar quote ini dari kuliah umum MPKT-B dalam aspek pencegahan terjadinya bencana, tapi saat itu sama sekali gak terpikirkan kalau prinsip tsb juga ada korelasinya dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Baru kemarin, setelah denger kata-kata itu, gua merefleksikan diri "gimana nasib gue yang gak pernah punya rencana?" 

Jadi plan untuk sekarang adalah mendapatkan visi dan misi pribadi, nemuin cita-cita gua baik for the short term maupun long term, dan train myself for self improvement melalui berbagai metode yang udah gua rangkai, sampai mereka jadi kebiasaan sehari-hari gua. Gua juga berharap bisa sempetin baca-baca buku berbobot tentang self discovery dan lain hal yang bisa memotivasi. Maybe start with finishing that Warren Buffett's biography?

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